Change Your Home Environment with Innovatory Digital Solutions

There is no limit to what can be accomplished once you put your mind to work. Too often we are stuck in the normal way of doing things and spend very little time researching new ways. For many people, electricity is the normal way of lighting their homes at night. The norm is to purchase batteries for battery operating items and repurchase a new set whenever replacement is needed. We manually turn off and, on the lights switches, the music player and perhaps look at the mobile phone for an update on the weather and the time. However, what if there are easier and better ways?

Digital transformation is not only for businesses but can be integrated with the home in various ways, it combines digital technology into all areas of your lives, revamping your old operations. It can be intimidating for some people and truly a cultural change that requires determination to break the norm of your era.


Solar                                                                 According to the amount of sunlight that strikes the earth’s surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world’s energy consumption for a full year. Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels or mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

Solar power benefits a home by eliminating the dependence on electricity that can be costly based on your usage, a reputable solar company can retrofit your house with the necessary solar panels and batteries. While this is a smart choice, especially since many countries with tropical climates are experiencing higher temperatures, it is costly to complete this project. However, purchasing solar-powered items can help reduce your electricity consumption. Start by doing an audit of your home and determine if there is a solar option for electrical things. Some solar items available are water heaters, lighting for outdoors for security purposes, and decor including Christmas lights, solar security cameras, solar remote gates, solar heating for the swimming pool, solar air conditioners, solar batteries, and solar water pumps.

Rechargeable batteries                                Many household items such as clocks, remote controls, and flashlights are battery-operated, mostly using AA or AAA however, there is a rechargeable battery option. Rechargeable AA and AAA batteries last longer, cost less, and reduce waste compared with single-use batteries. A rechargeable device is needed to charge the batteries, the life of the battery depends on how often you change it. Battery-operated indoor lights help to reduce energy consumption, these lights can be placed in closets and on the wall or ceiling, so the motion sensor detects movement and lights up the space immediately. You can beautify your space with lovely rechargeable battery-operated lamps that can be placed in the bedroom and other spaces throughout the home.

Smart home system                                    Be a little showy and purchase the Amazon Echo Show 8 (the newest model), this device plays movies, gives weather updates, plays your favourite music, and controls switches for lights and camera. Amazon Echo Show 8 has a digital built-in speaker the sound is very good. The device can detect when someone walks into the room, and songs and alarms can be set.   Prime Video, Fire TV channel, Netflix, and Audiobooks are all supported. Alexa responds to requests quickly on this device.

Another good reason to purchase Amazon Echo Show 8 is it is sustainable design. It is made from 29% recycled materials. 99% of this device packaging is made of wood fiber-based materials from responsibly managed forests or recycled sources. Click the link to purchase Amazon Echo Show 8 from

Smart door lock                                              Keys can be tricky to manage, and cause anxiety when you are unable to find them, not to mention the cost of hiring a locksmith to replace the locks. This is why smart companies have invented smart security locks with fingerprint, keyless built-in Wi-Fi Entry, App Remote Control, and Deadbolts. You can open the door with one touch or with an app on your phone. You can control the app from anywhere in the world over Wi-Fi therefore you can let someone in without being home. So, from a remote-controlled garage door to a smart lock entry, you could be in your house in a flash.

Being stuck in the old ways of doing things is never good, embracing the new digital age and transforming the way you do things in the home is the smart approach.  You can start small, it’s better than not taking any action. If you made a bad decision, it can be corrected and it’s better than being stuck. Be bold and transform your home.